Make Instant Payments
Keep it simple with PhonePe

One app for all your payments.

From utility bills, mobile & DTH recharge, sending & requesting money, to paying your credit card bill and insurance premium. You can do all this and more on the PhonePe app.

Your bank account is all you need.

Just link your bank account to the PhonePe app and make hassle-free, secure payments directly from your bank account 24/7. Your money is always in your bank, not locked in a wallet.

Multiple payment modes.

Choose from options like UPI enabled bank account, PhonePe wallet, Debit and Credit Cards to make seamless payments daily.

Multiple ways to pay

Download the PhonePe app & choose from a range of options to make seamless payments online and offline.

Direct Transfer & More

Bank to Bank UPI Payments, along with
Wallets, Debit & Credit cards

QR Code

Scan and pay quickly without sharing
your phone number

Earn great rewards

More value for your money.

Get amazing cashback when you pay with PhonePe! Use the cashback to pay for your next utility bill, recharge or shopping.

Payments made easy

We speak your language.

PhonePe is multilingual. Choose from Kannada, Marathi, Bengali, English, Hindi, Tamil, Gujrati, Telugu, Malayalam, Assamese and Odia languages to transact easily on the app.