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Empowering Your Online Store: The Winning Combination of PhonePe PG and Shopify

Kanishka Sarin|3 min read|10 August, 2023

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Understanding the Significance of a Powerful Payment Gateway and E-commerce Platform:
In today’s digital era, having an online store is no longer optional for businesses — it’s essential. And when it comes to running a successful e-commerce venture, two key elements play a crucial role: a robust payment gateway and an efficient e-commerce platform.

Enter PhonePe Payment Gateway and Shopify — two powerhouses that can revolutionize your online store and take it to the next level. In this blog, we’ll delve into the world of PhonePe PG and Shopify integration, exploring the benefits they offer individually as well as their winning combination.

So fasten your seatbelts as we embark on this journey of empowering your online store with the perfect blend of cutting-edge technology and seamless user experience! Let’s dive in!

What sets PhonePe PG apart as the best Shopify payment gateway for your online store?

Just as Tendulkar and Sehwag dominated the cricket pitch with their partnership, the integration of PhonePe PG and Shopify brings together two powerful tools that can elevate your online store to new heights. Here’s why, this winning combination is a game-changer for your business:

  1. Quick Activation — Getting onboarded on PhonePe PG requires minimal documentation, allowing you to complete the process without complex paperwork and unnecessary delays.
  2. Industry-best Success Rates — With real-time payment instrument health tracking, PhonePe PG identifies potential downtimes and blocks low success rate transactions. The system automatically enables relevant payment methods and optimizes the user experience based on the device, platform, and browser, ensuring maximum conversions.
  3. Faster Checkouts — PhonePe PG offers one-click checkout solutions & also enables your customers to complete transactions without ever exiting your application with its unique native half-page experience.
  4. No Coding Required — Say goodbye to the days of struggling with lines of code or finding a web developer. With the PhonePe PG Plugin built for Shopify, setting up your payments on your online store becomes a breeze. The plugin offers a user-friendly interface that simplifies the setup process, enabling you to focus on your business rather than getting caught up in technical complexities.
  5. Top-Notch Security — When it comes to processing payments, reliability and security are paramount. You are relieved from the burden of PCI-DSS compliance process, as all payment information is securely handled through the PhonePe Standard Checkout page. With PhonePe PG, you can trust that your transactions are conducted in a PCI-DSS compliant environment, ensuring the highest level of security and peace of mind.
  6. Robust Infrastructure for Large-Scale Transactions and 100% Uptime — As your business grows, you need a payment gateway that can handle large-scale transactions without compromising performance. PhonePe PG offers a robust infrastructure designed to support high volumes of transactions, ensuring smooth operations even during peak periods.

Shopify’s user-friendly interface and extensive features allow you to create a visually appealing storefront that reflects your brand identity, enhancing customer experience. The compatibility and seamless integration between PhonePe PG and Shopify ensure quick setup times and hassle-free operations. In addition, both platforms prioritize user experience — providing responsive designs for mobile devices so that your store looks great on all screens. This ensures that no matter how customers access your site — be it through their laptops or smartphones — they have a positive shopping experience.

How To Set Up Your Shopify Store & Integrate with PhonePe PG in 3 Quick Steps

  1. Sign up for a for PhonePe Merchant Account: Visit the PhonePe Business Solutions page and click on “Accept Online Payments” to create an account. Fill in the necessary details and complete the verification process to activate your account. After completing the registration process, you will receive an email with further instructions & details.
  2. Setting Up a Shopify Store: Next, set up a Shopify store by signing up for an account and choosing a theme that aligns with your brand. Customize your store’s appearance using the intuitive drag-and-drop editor and add product listings with detailed descriptions, high-quality images, and pricing information. Organize your inventory into categories for seamless navigation.
  3. Activate PhonePe on your Shopify store: Open the Shopify plugin installation kit, login to your Shopify Store, access the provided link, and click “Install App”. In your Shopify dashboard, go to “Settings” > “Payment providers.” Under “Third-party providers,” select “Choose alternative payment method” and choose “PhonePe” from the list. Enter your merchant credentials (Merchant ID & Salt Key) received via email.

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